You are all excited.
The CEO is all excited.
You have an announcement.
And you, as a judicious execution marketer, with your completer finisher attitude are all set.
You have a press release lined up, a blog post that’s pre-loaded and an email campaign that’s a mouse click away from letting the world know.
Aside from you caring about ticking something off the to-do list and appeasing an internal stakeholder – did you ever ask who cares?
Is what you are about to say to the world useful to anyone outside the company?
Is anyone going to care enough about the press release that it will change their day?
Will anyone feel strongly enough about the blog post or tweets to share them?
Yes, press releases serve many purposes aside from some grand content marketing fueled movement of the needle, maybe it’s a must do activity as part of a commercial deal or partnership and you are talking to a limited audience.
However, it’s good to understand that up front. You are setting an expectation of what this content investment will achieve, why you are doing it and the likely impact, return and results. In addition, of course, you can give some thought to the message you want to craft.
So, maybe on reflection this press release or piece of company news is not going to set the world on fire and if the world isn’t interested, you can focus on the audience that are.
You can be much more specific about the tribe you are addressing, you are freed from pleasing the many and being generic, to making something that is focused and useful to the (maybe few) people that do care.
So before you strike this off your to-do list – ask yourself – who cares?
“Who cares” image by Josh Lafayette.
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I’m a 3xCMO, now a marketing strategy advisor and podcast host at Rockstar CMO. Although, I’m not a rock star, but a marketing leader, strategist, content marketer, columnist, speaker, industry watcher, and creator of ART (Awareness, Revenue, and Trust) for the companies I work with. But most of all, I am an enthusiastic tea drinker.
You can find me on LinkedIn, Twitter, or now Threads! – or listen to my weekly podcast at
The half-baked thoughts shared on this blog may not reflect those of my employer or clients, and if the topic of this article is interesting or you just want to say hello please get in touch.
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